
Led by guitarist-composer Carlos Anesetti plays a unique blend of
traditional Uruguayan and South American musical styles with a big touch
of funk. The original compositions of Carlos Anesetti plus soulful
renditions of R’N’B classics provide a wide spectrum of songs not just to
listen to but to dance all night long as well.
In this way Solstyce brings together musical worlds long considered apart
yet undoubtedly made possible by the everyday experience of life in
multicultural Toronto. You may call it funkandombe rock’n’blues if you
like or great new music, the result is the same :SOLSTYCE.
One thing is for sure Solstyce , with their unique blend and powerful sound they
will certainly bring music to its highest point in your musical horizon.

Follow Solstyce

Show times:

Monday 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
North Stage

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